One day of the last few weeks, I went to my grandma's house.
I could remember that the weather on that day was really great !
It wasn't hot, and was drizzling.
I cycled around there, and went to the playground nearby with my relatives.
My cute cousin was having fun with the slide, he really likes it so much, when I see his smile, I smiled. ^^
I love cycling, there's a wonderful feeling while I was cycling !
Like the windy air a lot !
I was shocked that day when I looked at the ditch and there were so many fishes !
At least 500??
I was like 'WOOOOOOOOOW' !
My another cousin took a pail and caught 2 in it !
I think they were loaches???@@

My cousin ran away afterwards when he felt that the fishes were no longer interesting to him, and my dad decided to release those fishes.
But before he release them, my dad said something that had influence my mind.
After we released these fishes, we will never ever able to find it back again.'
It was this sentense that had influence me, my dad was absolutely so right.
The fishes were just like the chances that we will have in our life, we must catch it, and cherish it.