Yesterday, I looked back the photo i took few months ago..
WOOHOO, this is the hairstyle i had before..
Hahax =D
Gonna share a picture here..
About Me
- ♫ Kay ♫
- Follow your heart, even though it's on your left, it's always right!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I-Ice cream
Finally,i am having my holiday !
❤ This holiday,i gonna do lots of things kakax ❤
♥ I want to spend more time together with my family..
♥ I want to cook for my family..
♥ I want to hang out with my friends..
♥ I want to invite some friends come over my house..
♥ I want to watch A LOT of movie ( Only movie, NO drama )
♥ I want to bake cake and cookies..
♥ I want to do something lame..( Too shy to state out XD )
♥ I want to make a birthday card for a friend..
♥ I want to bully my didi and meimei..
♥ I want to plan my new life for next semester..
♥ I want to read..
♥ I want to clean my room..
♥ I want to sing non-stop !
♥ I want to eat alot !!
And lastly, I want to be HAPPY and SMILE everyday !!!! ^^
✿Hope the people i love and love me be happy always ! ✿
I wish all my classmates,
Enjoy your holiday !!
♥ MISS YOU ALL !!! ♥
I-Ice cream
Finally,i am having my holiday !
❤ This holiday,i gonna do lots of things kakax ❤
♥ I want to spend more time together with my family..
♥ I want to cook for my family..
♥ I want to hang out with my friends..
♥ I want to invite some friends come over my house..
♥ I want to watch A LOT of movie ( Only movie, NO drama )
♥ I want to bake cake and cookies..
♥ I want to do something lame..( Too shy to state out XD )
♥ I want to make a birthday card for a friend..
♥ I want to bully my didi and meimei..
♥ I want to plan my new life for next semester..
♥ I want to read..
♥ I want to clean my room..
♥ I want to sing non-stop !
♥ I want to eat alot !!
And lastly, I want to be HAPPY and SMILE everyday !!!! ^^
✿Hope the people i love and love me be happy always ! ✿
I wish all my classmates,
Enjoy your holiday !!
♥ MISS YOU ALL !!! ♥
p/s ( Miss me too ok =X)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
男孩只抽烟不说话 女孩的心也越来越凉 『连挽留都不会表达的情人 能给我什么样的快乐?』 过了许久 男孩终忍不住说:「怎么做你才能留下来?」
女孩慢慢地说: 「回答一个问题,如果你能答到我心里的答案,我就留下来。」
「比如我非常喜欢悬崖上的一朵花,而你去摘的结果是百分之百 的死亡,你会不会摘给我?」 男孩想了想说:「明天早晨告诉你答案好吗?」
早晨醒来,男孩已经不在 只有一张写满字的纸压在温热的牛奶杯下
第一行,就让女孩的心凉透了 「亲爱的,我不会去摘 但请容许我陈述不去摘的理由
你只会用电脑打字 却总把程序弄得一塌糊涂 然后对着键盘哭 我要留着手指给你整理程序
你出门总是忘记带钥匙 我要留着双脚跑回来给你开门
酷爱旅游的你 在自己的城市里都常常迷路 我要留着眼睛给你带路
每月(好朋友)光临时 你总是全身冰凉,还肚子疼 我要留着掌心温暖你的小腹
你不爱出门 我担心你会患上自闭症 我要留着嘴巴躯赶你的寂寞
你总是盯者电脑 眼睛给糟蹋得已不是太好了 我要好好活着
等你老了 给你修剪指甲 帮你拔掉让你懊恼的白发 拉着你的手 在海边享受美好的阳光和柔软的沙滩 告诉你一朵朵花的颜色 像你青春的脸…
所以 在我不能确定有人比我更爱你以前 我不想去摘那朵花…」
抹净眼泪,女孩继续往下看: 「亲爱的 如果你已经看完了 答案还让你满意的话 请你开门吧 我正站在门外 手里提着你最喜欢吃的鲜奶面包…」
女孩拉开门 看见他的脸 紧张得像个孩子 只会把拧着面包的手在她眼前晃
男孩只抽烟不说话 女孩的心也越来越凉 『连挽留都不会表达的情人 能给我什么样的快乐?』 过了许久 男孩终忍不住说:「怎么做你才能留下来?」
女孩慢慢地说: 「回答一个问题,如果你能答到我心里的答案,我就留下来。」
「比如我非常喜欢悬崖上的一朵花,而你去摘的结果是百分之百 的死亡,你会不会摘给我?」 男孩想了想说:「明天早晨告诉你答案好吗?」
早晨醒来,男孩已经不在 只有一张写满字的纸压在温热的牛奶杯下
第一行,就让女孩的心凉透了 「亲爱的,我不会去摘 但请容许我陈述不去摘的理由
你只会用电脑打字 却总把程序弄得一塌糊涂 然后对着键盘哭 我要留着手指给你整理程序
你出门总是忘记带钥匙 我要留着双脚跑回来给你开门
酷爱旅游的你 在自己的城市里都常常迷路 我要留着眼睛给你带路
每月(好朋友)光临时 你总是全身冰凉,还肚子疼 我要留着掌心温暖你的小腹
你不爱出门 我担心你会患上自闭症 我要留着嘴巴躯赶你的寂寞
你总是盯者电脑 眼睛给糟蹋得已不是太好了 我要好好活着
等你老了 给你修剪指甲 帮你拔掉让你懊恼的白发 拉着你的手 在海边享受美好的阳光和柔软的沙滩 告诉你一朵朵花的颜色 像你青春的脸…
所以 在我不能确定有人比我更爱你以前 我不想去摘那朵花…」
抹净眼泪,女孩继续往下看: 「亲爱的 如果你已经看完了 答案还让你满意的话 请你开门吧 我正站在门外 手里提着你最喜欢吃的鲜奶面包…」
女孩拉开门 看见他的脸 紧张得像个孩子 只会把拧着面包的手在她眼前晃
Friday, July 24, 2009
Do you know why our life is so suffer?
One day,God create a cow.
He speaks to the cow:'You have to help human to farming and also supply them milk to drink. You have to work hard every day, from morning til night, and you only can eat grasses for your life. I let you live for 50 years.'
Cow refused it:'My life is so suffer and i only allow to eat grass. Please God,i just want to live for 20 years,the years left i would return to you.'
God promise it.
The other day,God create a monkey.
He speaks to the monkey:'You have to entertain human,make them laugh and happy. You need to perform show for human and you are only allow to eat bananas. I let you live for 20 years.'
Monkey rejected it:'I need to entertain human for the whole life and only allow to eat bananas,please,i will only want to live for 10 years,the 10 years left,i return it to you.'
God promised it.
The next day, God create a dog.
He speaks to the dog:'You have to bark at the door. You need to eat the leftovers of what the owner had ate. I let you live for 25 years.'
Dog refused it:'I have to bark at the door everyday,please i just want to live for 15 years,the 10 years left i will return back to you.'
God promised it.
The day after God create this three animals,he creates human being.
He speaks to the human:'You don't have to do anything in your life,you just have to play,to sleep,to eat and to enjoy for your whole life. I let you live for 20 years.'
Human denied it:'Why i only have 20 years for this good life?'
God remain quietly.
Human said:'Cow returned 30 years for you,monkey returned 10 years for you,dog returned 10 years for you.Why don't you just give me the 50 years?Then i can live for 70 years.'
God promised it.
This is why we only have to eat,sleep,play and enjoy for our first 20 years of life. The 30 years afterwards,we have to work like a cow. And the next 10 years after we retire, we act like a monkey to entertain our grandchildren. For the last 10 years,we stay in home everyday,just like a dog look after the house.
Thats why our life becomes so suffer =X
He speaks to the cow:'You have to help human to farming and also supply them milk to drink. You have to work hard every day, from morning til night, and you only can eat grasses for your life. I let you live for 50 years.'
Cow refused it:'My life is so suffer and i only allow to eat grass. Please God,i just want to live for 20 years,the years left i would return to you.'
God promise it.
The other day,God create a monkey.
He speaks to the monkey:'You have to entertain human,make them laugh and happy. You need to perform show for human and you are only allow to eat bananas. I let you live for 20 years.'
Monkey rejected it:'I need to entertain human for the whole life and only allow to eat bananas,please,i will only want to live for 10 years,the 10 years left,i return it to you.'
God promised it.
The next day, God create a dog.
He speaks to the dog:'You have to bark at the door. You need to eat the leftovers of what the owner had ate. I let you live for 25 years.'
Dog refused it:'I have to bark at the door everyday,please i just want to live for 15 years,the 10 years left i will return back to you.'
God promised it.
The day after God create this three animals,he creates human being.
He speaks to the human:'You don't have to do anything in your life,you just have to play,to sleep,to eat and to enjoy for your whole life. I let you live for 20 years.'
Human denied it:'Why i only have 20 years for this good life?'
God remain quietly.
Human said:'Cow returned 30 years for you,monkey returned 10 years for you,dog returned 10 years for you.Why don't you just give me the 50 years?Then i can live for 70 years.'
God promised it.
This is why we only have to eat,sleep,play and enjoy for our first 20 years of life. The 30 years afterwards,we have to work like a cow. And the next 10 years after we retire, we act like a monkey to entertain our grandchildren. For the last 10 years,we stay in home everyday,just like a dog look after the house.
Thats why our life becomes so suffer =X
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mung bean soup ^^
Kakaz today so HAPPY~
Mom bought me mung bean soup =D
Actually yesterday i just simply tell mom i want it ..
But she remembered it and bought for me wuwu~
Thank you mommy muacks =D
Mom bought me mung bean soup =D
Actually yesterday i just simply tell mom i want it ..
But she remembered it and bought for me wuwu~
Thank you mommy muacks =D
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I watched a movie yesterday~
Kinda outdated ya ><>The main character in this movie is WALL-E ! For sure la LOL -- and also his lovely GF ! EVE ! Who looks so COOL .. LOL
Kinda outdated ya ><>The main character in this movie is WALL-E ! For sure la LOL -- and also his lovely GF ! EVE ! Who looks so COOL .. LOL
But the character i like the most in this movie is neither of them !
I like the character~i call him as~errrrrr....CLEANER-K ! ( I feel cleaner-k is a he ^^ )
The one who very care hygiene XD
He looks so cute~Hahax~
Cleaner-k have his own principle ~ that make me like him so much hahax =P
I like the character~i call him as~errrrrr....CLEANER-K ! ( I feel cleaner-k is a he ^^ )
The one who very care hygiene XD
He looks so cute~Hahax~
Cleaner-k have his own principle ~ that make me like him so much hahax =P
For sure i won't write about the plot here ~
All go and watch yourself ! muahaha~
But i wanna mention something~
Human in this movie looks horrible LOL
All fat like ........ ==
And the world~becomes so dirty ARGH !
No more more animal ( in this movie,there is 1 living thing left XD )
No more delicious food !! If you watch this movie~you will know how the food looks like ><
All go and watch yourself ! muahaha~
But i wanna mention something~
Human in this movie looks horrible LOL
All fat like ........ ==
And the world~becomes so dirty ARGH !
No more more animal ( in this movie,there is 1 living thing left XD )
No more delicious food !! If you watch this movie~you will know how the food looks like ><
But there is a tiny hope in a shoe ! LOL
Just go and watch the movie~it is meaningful.. We must SAVE our environment ><
I don't want our life become
no trees
no animal
no food
Friday, July 17, 2009
Congratulations when you saw this !
That means your IQ is high enough !
LOL !!
Have a nice day =]
That means your IQ is high enough !
LOL !!
Have a nice day =]
Friday, July 3, 2009
It is very good for us to help the others..
However,we choose peoples and things to help with..
We should not just simply help everything..
That is not called 'help', this just make the others rely on you..
It is bad, and even worse..
Don't let our heart become blind..
However,we choose peoples and things to help with..
We should not just simply help everything..
That is not called 'help', this just make the others rely on you..
It is bad, and even worse..
Don't let our heart become blind..
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Rain and Rainbow
Rainbow will only appear after rain..
Some people don't like rain, some people like it..
Many people like rainbow but don't like rain..
If there is no rain, there is no rainbow..
If you like rainbow,you have to like rain too..
In life, there is no way that we gain something without lose anything..
If someone don't work hard,he or she won't be able to get the thing he or she wants..
The process of working hard just like raining..
The things, the success he or she get, that is the rainbow..
To get something, we loss something..
We have to make sure we gain something worth than the thing we lose..
That is the process of the life..
Rainbow will only appear after rain..
Some people don't like rain, some people like it..
Many people like rainbow but don't like rain..
If there is no rain, there is no rainbow..
If you like rainbow,you have to like rain too..
In life, there is no way that we gain something without lose anything..
If someone don't work hard,he or she won't be able to get the thing he or she wants..
The process of working hard just like raining..
The things, the success he or she get, that is the rainbow..
To get something, we loss something..
We have to make sure we gain something worth than the thing we lose..
That is the process of the life..